Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Term Project Topic: Impact of Social Media and Globalization on the World Economy

Internet is the new world of business, and everyone has sailed to the internet in past two decades to explore millions of new opportunity business has to offer. Starting up business on internet is easy, cheap and fast; and that has made many individuals around the globe very successful entrepreneurs. Internet and social media has become part of the human life, and very important part of the human life. Everyone now days has a smart phone and access to internet via their smart phone. This easy access to internet opened a whole new different markets that never existed ten years ago. 

Starting with social media, and why just social media; let’s start with Facebook. Facebook has made Mark Zuckerberg one of the top richest man in the world, shocking? Maybe for many people it’s not a big deal, but in my opinion, Mr. Zuckerberg deserved it. Why he deserved it? Well, with his simple idea, Facebook connected billions of people in one single network, and that network is just growing. Maybe not by the amount of users, but by the products it has to offer. 

Social media and data mining- okay I am not a computer major, but I am a business major. I will not go too much into computers, but I will talk business. How much does data matter in business world? Just look at target, Walmart, and any other Mega super store. Everyone has your information believe it or not, and that information can be used to market their product to you and pretty much sell you into buying stuff that you don’t really need. Now that extra money in the pocket of business. Every tiny information can generate some amount of revenue, and when a mega social media has your entire life on it, that will make you buy lot more products when you see ads around you google and Facebook page. 

Social Media has changed the world, and gave globalization a different meaning. With help of social media, not only individuals benefit, but large corporations also benefit as well. Social Media made has it easy for two people to connect across the world, and be able to stay up to date with each other's life, even if they live 1000 miles apart from each other. In other hand, it gave businesses access to every part of the world, and markets that they wouldn't have imagined  of having 10 years ago without social media. 

in old days, people used phone cards to make calls around the world, and today people have tools like WhatApp, Facebook, Twitter and many other social networks where their loved once are few clicks away. 

Social Media has involved the modern world into a whole new different world. Almost a century ago, we had a industrial revolution. After industrial revolution, world changed totally. It made easy to create product in mass, it opened doors to international markets like never before, and it did lots of great things to set up ground for today's "Tech Revolution" . In industrial revolution, it was easy for rich to get richer, but it wasn't so easy for poor to get rich, but life did become bit more promising to those who were struggling; However, revolution that we are witnessing today, gives chance to everyone in the world. it doesn't matter what your background is, and where you come from. If you have an idea that makes people's life easy, you can easily sell it and become rich in matter of few years. A great example for "Rags-to-Riches" would be Jan Koum, the founder of Whatapp, who latter sold it to Facebook for $19 Billion dollars.

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