Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Social Networking Sites

Myspace was my first social networking site that i created my account with. I don't remember when i last logged into it. When i used MySpace the coolest feature that i liked was using the HTML code to create my page however i wanted to. MySpace was the only reason i was able to learn HTML codes and really use it on daily bases to create something new on my page. MySpace was personally more of a social and open network than Facebook, i was able to socialize more on Myspace than Facebook believe it or not. i guess it was my age, where socializing meant a life to most of us. I know it sounds weird but i was on my MySpace 24/7 talking to random girls i didn't knew, and i killed lot of time doing it. Since i was in high school and it was something cool; however, ever since i created Facebook account  i stopped using it. 
When i started using Facebook, i stopped using MySpace, that was end of MySpace era. After i started using Facebook, i really stopped talking to random girls, and really didn't care about none of that and pretty much that was the end of my social media life. i rarely used Facebook, and really don't care reading about being on someone's posts. I think the only reason why i use Facebook is because of the app that just sits there and sometimes i open it to check out what going on in the world. Usually when i log into Facebook, i only care for news or something really worth reading for. For example, i learn more about cool science stuff that i wouldn't read about it if i didn't see it on my Facebook page. Facebook is really useful in my life only for laying eyes on a post and learning about some new discoveries or facts.  I really stopped using Facebook ever since everyone across the world started using it and my far away cosines started blowing up my phone in their day time and my night time. Sometimes i am even afraid to log into it, just in case if i end up opening their message accidentally, and get stuck chatting with them on Facebook call.   
I never post any pics on it, but sure do love to check out some good looking people on it. Like i said, i don't use social media much, but Instagram is different. I use that pic if i am having a bad selfie day and have to edit my pic to make me look prettier. I like to follow my friends on it, and see what they are up to. i think Instagram really changed the meaning of social media, in a way people can post pics, and tell their story. i rather look at pics and see what they are doing than reading some sad posts they posted up. But, every beginning has a end. Instagram ended after i started using snapchat arrived. 
I love Snapchat, i text less and snap-chat more. snap-chat has changed the meaning of texting. Its a better way of telling your story, even better than Instagram. I snapchat everything, even earned my first traffic ticket snapchating, and earned myself 5 points on my license, which obviously, i got them removed by hiring an attorney, but costed me lots of money. Anyways, i learned my lesson, and stopped using phone while driving ever since. i am not only one who snapchats more, because honestly, i started getting less texts after everyone started using snapchat. It really turned around how people communicate, and really brought a new meaning to social life. Now you can send videos or snaps to your friends and family anytime you want and anywhere you want. 

How can we forget Linkdin. Linkdin is way better than facebook, because you see your friends finally acting more professional and mature. Every wild party animal turns into a professional creature on this network. I personally love to use it to make professional connections in my field. It really helps me market myself out there and helps me learn about people who are successful in the field. 


  1. My favorite part of Myspace as a teen was also the coding aspect! I learned so much!
    I also agree that social media has become my primary news source. Following certain accounts on Facebook and Instagram has made me aware of news stories I would have otherwise never knew about.

  2. I also agree about enjoying MySpace for its feature - learning the HTML codes and customizing it by your preference. When I got Facebook, I hated how my profile used to be; it was just a plain default profile for everyone. I could no longer play around with the codes nor could I personalized it.
    I love Snapchat as well. I can keep up with what everyone is doing from day to day, unlike Facebook where they post some photos from special events
