Sunday, June 28, 2015

Creativity - User-Generated Content

New media constantly comes out with a new creative way of doing things, and with that it ends up inspiring others to do something similar, but all around ending at a different finish line because as something progresses you find that it will take new turns, and loops that transform it into a something newer and better; its similar to the theory of evolution in a way because properties of something may resemble an original yet be slightly different to something that is considered completely different. Take some of the original social media like AOL, it was just a messenger used to contact your friends and family, now from that we were given MySpace, to Facebook; when you take away all the features and strip it to its core, it will simply be a messenger with a wall and feed where you can see and post pictures as well as videos. This was just a short jump from AOL that led to something we find to be in every social media site, it was just a few steps from taking something to talk to friends to something you can broadcast you're every living day on.


1 comment:

  1. Definitely true! Social media is also changing with generations. Like for example, you and I probably still use Facebook. But some of my little cousins (13-14 & older), even though they are old enough for a Facebook, they didn't make one. Instead, this generation is all Instagram & Snapchat
