Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Blog Vs. Wiki

Blogs and wikis are very similar to each other in many ways, but they both are used differently with different purpose . Both Blog and Wiki are commonly use for sharing information, news, or pretty much everything out there with a group of people who interested in reading about the topic.

The style in which Blogs and Wikis are communicated by the users are pretty much same, they are both in text formats on web sites. Blogs and Wikis both allow users to do edits and add contents to the material, and they are available to everyone who are part of the online community (account holders).

Blogs are usually about personal interests, such as sports, reviews,  or tips for cooking. Blogs are extremely useful and educational tool for daily use, because you can post blog about anything you want, or you can Google about information you are looking for, and someone's blog post will be in front of your eye site as result of your inquiry. For example, if you need help finding some information on Microsoft Excel formula, Google it, and you will find bunch Forums and blogs about the topic. Blogging gives a different meaning to information that could be used on daily use.

Wikis provide information about larger and more detailed oriented topics, for example  history, biography of a president, or about how lions are different from tigers. Wikis are useful resource for information; however, it is not always the most reliable source of information for such category of information it provides. Wikis get criticize more because it allows anyone to change the information on internet, that could not have sufficient resources to back up the information it provides or information could be totally wrong; however, lately wikis are becoming more accurate as Wikipedia became more cautious about information that's being put on the internet by users.  

Works Cited:

1.      Wikis at work: Up from the grassroots by Rob Edmonds E.learning Age; Oct 2006; p. 14

2.      Cohen, Noam. "Wikipedia Looks Hard at Its Culture." The New York Times. The New York Times, 30 Aug. 2009. Web. 17 June 2015.


  1. Accurate or not, Wikipedia has surely got me through my classes.

  2. First of all, definitely agreed regarding your comment, Rinkesh. Also, great overview of the difference between blogs and wikis. I think you also make a particularly good point about blogs in that though they are mainly used for personal opinions, they are often diverse enough that you can find information on even the most technical stuff, sometimes even more so than wikis.
