Sunday, July 5, 2015

A type of new media that I would like to see being used is something along the lines of skype but instead of being something to contact friends it would be more for emergency medical problems for household waits before an ambulance arrives. Something that would be downloaded onto all you're devices and where it is simply like a 911 call but video based, completely free, and all you have to do is open it an select the type of help you need. Support chats like this might be a useful thing because it can be used in emergency situations but also in cases where you find yourself not really needing to go to the doctor, but just need something to be done visually.

P2P Filesharing and its Implications

File sharing and Peer to peer file sharing is basically ways to share files between massive numbers of people, a name casually worn by P2P is piracy because you usually see file sharing as a method to give someone else an expensive program they cant afford  or watch a blockbuster movie for free. this is basically one of the most common illegal deeds most people end up doing, because it's very easy to do.


The Open Source Community

Confidentiality in new media is surprisingly one of the more serious issues, even though it really makes no sense to spend much time on it, as long as proper credits are given, generally its more of a trivial subject because you can't really say "sound is mine"; so therefore a song shouldn't be able to be claimed. A songs entertainment purposes are expanded through the creation of video's that use said audio but copy right claims keep the creativity from happening.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

creativity and new media

Im not a real big fan of video games, so for once in his life my brother came into use! Basically he spends some of his time playing games with his friends and he told me a fun one to play is this game called League of Legends. What he hadn't told me this game was one of the most complicated things for a beginner to learn and play. And what's worse is I played a game on his account, so basically instead of being matched together with guys who were new to the game, I got matched with these guys who have no life but this game.

What we did was instead of me playing in a game mode where I'm bound to get destroyed, he put me into this game mode where everyone is given their character by random as well as so i don't have to learn what lanes and the jungle are. something basic for a first timer I guess.

The whole game this kid is just giving me advice on what to do the whole game.

this is how the game went in pictures.
It started with me picking out my basic stuff, this was  few levels in game.

My brother is trying to make me understand the mechanics of the game

This ghost looking guy was literally the biggest pain because according to my brother, he's the easiest to kill but, he's even more annoying then. and the amount of times i forgot that he could do stuff when he died kind of brought a bonding moment of anger which, i'm not gonna lie was pretty fun

We just won the game, and this is probably the last time i play this game. just because it takes a lot of time for each game and i still find it a big waste of time. Although now i somewhat understand now-a-days gaming craze

Creativity - User-Generated Content

New media constantly comes out with a new creative way of doing things, and with that it ends up inspiring others to do something similar, but all around ending at a different finish line because as something progresses you find that it will take new turns, and loops that transform it into a something newer and better; its similar to the theory of evolution in a way because properties of something may resemble an original yet be slightly different to something that is considered completely different. Take some of the original social media like AOL, it was just a messenger used to contact your friends and family, now from that we were given MySpace, to Facebook; when you take away all the features and strip it to its core, it will simply be a messenger with a wall and feed where you can see and post pictures as well as videos. This was just a short jump from AOL that led to something we find to be in every social media site, it was just a few steps from taking something to talk to friends to something you can broadcast you're every living day on.


Saturday, June 27, 2015

Modeling Reality With Virtual Worlds

Virtual reality; it's something i said wasn't my forte because i found it stupid and a waste of time but after thinking about it, i haven't realized i had become a zombie too; I find myself going back to my base adding to it, raiding others, and talking to these nerds online; wow. It surprises me that the addiction for a virtual contact is more aggressive then a physical contact to some, but in some cases I do understand it a little; it seems to be like this because the stereotype for these gamers is that they're not the muscular athlete type that they would wish to be dating hot girls, and in that sense they ran to a virtual realm that would allow them to be something like that athlete.

In the future you already see that many companies are planning on doing something that will actually physically let you see yourself  moving and doing everything in a game while sitting still; a more advanced version of the Oculus Rift, and Sony's Project Morpheus, these two ways for people to access the virtual world simply by clicking the "on" button then scrolling to what game you want to play. These simulation games can possibly be used for those who are permanently paralyzed, to freely live out their lives in somewhat of a better condition then they're in. In a world where they could see themselves move as if they were able to physically do everything themselves! In my opinion it would be better to have control over a virtual avatar for as long as they live while paralyzed, then having no control of their real bodies. The seemingly possible threat to this is that some who have control of their bodies may end up living their lives meaninglessly over their internet connection "questing" and leaving their bodies to decay in reality while they are seeing virtual images of what they believe is better.

Many game types such as "Sandbox games", like Minecraft and Gmod; as well as "Real Time Strategy Games (RTS)" like League of Legends and Dota 2 are a fuel to someones creativity. Most sandbox games are almost like a virtual set of LEGO's where you don't run of material, and saying that you can create almost anything from a small house to everything on Earth; and from what I see some people have already made real cities in that game. Some RTS games are already a source of broadcast entertainment for some, called E-sports a way for skilled players of a certain game to obtain fame and glory by strategically beating other teams, and the only way to beat other teams is by using the selected character in a more effective and creative way then the average person. By doing this you allow yourself to create new methods of doing things and giving you the ability to think faster and more effectively.

I see the virtual world being moved to something like the Oculus Rift or Project Morpheus in a few years, just because it was a highly anticipated form of entertainment by many, and if upgraded to fit what the people want, they may be able to become the new XBOX or PlayStation consoles.

  1. After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get A Reboot. April 30, 2013.
  2. Social Influence and the Diffusion of User-Created Content by Eytan Bakshy, Brian Karrer, and Lada A. Adamic. Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, July 6-10, Stanford, CA. Available at:

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Social Networking Sites

Myspace was my first social networking site that i created my account with. I don't remember when i last logged into it. When i used MySpace the coolest feature that i liked was using the HTML code to create my page however i wanted to. MySpace was the only reason i was able to learn HTML codes and really use it on daily bases to create something new on my page. MySpace was personally more of a social and open network than Facebook, i was able to socialize more on Myspace than Facebook believe it or not. i guess it was my age, where socializing meant a life to most of us. I know it sounds weird but i was on my MySpace 24/7 talking to random girls i didn't knew, and i killed lot of time doing it. Since i was in high school and it was something cool; however, ever since i created Facebook account  i stopped using it. 
When i started using Facebook, i stopped using MySpace, that was end of MySpace era. After i started using Facebook, i really stopped talking to random girls, and really didn't care about none of that and pretty much that was the end of my social media life. i rarely used Facebook, and really don't care reading about being on someone's posts. I think the only reason why i use Facebook is because of the app that just sits there and sometimes i open it to check out what going on in the world. Usually when i log into Facebook, i only care for news or something really worth reading for. For example, i learn more about cool science stuff that i wouldn't read about it if i didn't see it on my Facebook page. Facebook is really useful in my life only for laying eyes on a post and learning about some new discoveries or facts.  I really stopped using Facebook ever since everyone across the world started using it and my far away cosines started blowing up my phone in their day time and my night time. Sometimes i am even afraid to log into it, just in case if i end up opening their message accidentally, and get stuck chatting with them on Facebook call.   
I never post any pics on it, but sure do love to check out some good looking people on it. Like i said, i don't use social media much, but Instagram is different. I use that pic if i am having a bad selfie day and have to edit my pic to make me look prettier. I like to follow my friends on it, and see what they are up to. i think Instagram really changed the meaning of social media, in a way people can post pics, and tell their story. i rather look at pics and see what they are doing than reading some sad posts they posted up. But, every beginning has a end. Instagram ended after i started using snapchat arrived. 
I love Snapchat, i text less and snap-chat more. snap-chat has changed the meaning of texting. Its a better way of telling your story, even better than Instagram. I snapchat everything, even earned my first traffic ticket snapchating, and earned myself 5 points on my license, which obviously, i got them removed by hiring an attorney, but costed me lots of money. Anyways, i learned my lesson, and stopped using phone while driving ever since. i am not only one who snapchats more, because honestly, i started getting less texts after everyone started using snapchat. It really turned around how people communicate, and really brought a new meaning to social life. Now you can send videos or snaps to your friends and family anytime you want and anywhere you want. 

How can we forget Linkdin. Linkdin is way better than facebook, because you see your friends finally acting more professional and mature. Every wild party animal turns into a professional creature on this network. I personally love to use it to make professional connections in my field. It really helps me market myself out there and helps me learn about people who are successful in the field. 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Social Networking

In today's fast moving world social media plays an important role in many ways, and Social Media is bigger what we normally view it as. Social Media can influence many decisions made by individuals and corporates.
There are lots of upsides and downsides to it. Lets talk about all the downsides first; social media is Internet based network, where you can share your life to your friends and family. Whenever you post anything on Internet, it doesn't stay personal after, and it is the simple rule. Your personal information is floating around somewhere in the cyber space, and someone will have access to it somehow. That being said, there are many instances where people upload very personal things on Internet, and the items were leaked on Internet. For example, whenever we see big celebrities’ personal pictures being leaked on Internet is just a simple example. 

Since everything is now computerized and everything is on cloud, it has become possible for talented hackers to hack some of the biggest companies in the world such as JP Morgan Chase, Sony, Target, and many other companies who recently who became victims of such crime. When big companies like this get hacked, it puts personal information of individuals at risk who do business with them, or employed by them. Question is what is the connection of these companies being hacked have to do with social media? Lets take example of Sony; they made a movie “The Interview”, which created a big hype in social media, and people were eager to go to that movie because it was suppose to be really funny. Apparently on the other side of the world, it was an act of war in eyes of North Korean leader and his followers. Sony took a big blow in the data breach, which really put Sony’s employee’s personal information at risk.

Social Media is not always harmful, it could also be very helpful to many big corporations such as Target, Wal-Mart, EBay, Amazon, Google, Facebook, and list can go on forever. These companies have learned a way to increase their profits by learning about people’s habits, what they do, what they like, what are they looking for, and everything about and individual so they can target the consumer in a way they can detect the needs for the customer before the customer’s family members know it themselves. The best example this is when Target found out a teen girl was pregnant before her father did. You can Google to story of that teen on Google, and see it for yourself how target found out such thing.  I know some of you out there are probably saying, dude this item belongs in the downsides, not upside. But since most of us here are learning about social media, I will put this in good side, just because maybe one day we can all learn about making money way target make’s its money. With help of social media, it is much easy to detect needs of people, and what they talk to people about. Remember those ads popping up on your computer because you typed something on your Facebook messenger? Yes, perfect example again.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Blog Vs. Wiki

Blogs and wikis are very similar to each other in many ways, but they both are used differently with different purpose . Both Blog and Wiki are commonly use for sharing information, news, or pretty much everything out there with a group of people who interested in reading about the topic.

The style in which Blogs and Wikis are communicated by the users are pretty much same, they are both in text formats on web sites. Blogs and Wikis both allow users to do edits and add contents to the material, and they are available to everyone who are part of the online community (account holders).

Blogs are usually about personal interests, such as sports, reviews,  or tips for cooking. Blogs are extremely useful and educational tool for daily use, because you can post blog about anything you want, or you can Google about information you are looking for, and someone's blog post will be in front of your eye site as result of your inquiry. For example, if you need help finding some information on Microsoft Excel formula, Google it, and you will find bunch Forums and blogs about the topic. Blogging gives a different meaning to information that could be used on daily use.

Wikis provide information about larger and more detailed oriented topics, for example  history, biography of a president, or about how lions are different from tigers. Wikis are useful resource for information; however, it is not always the most reliable source of information for such category of information it provides. Wikis get criticize more because it allows anyone to change the information on internet, that could not have sufficient resources to back up the information it provides or information could be totally wrong; however, lately wikis are becoming more accurate as Wikipedia became more cautious about information that's being put on the internet by users.  

Works Cited:

1.      Wikis at work: Up from the grassroots by Rob Edmonds E.learning Age; Oct 2006; p. 14

2.      Cohen, Noam. "Wikipedia Looks Hard at Its Culture." The New York Times. The New York Times, 30 Aug. 2009. Web. 17 June 2015.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Term Project Topic: Impact of Social Media and Globalization on the World Economy

Internet is the new world of business, and everyone has sailed to the internet in past two decades to explore millions of new opportunity business has to offer. Starting up business on internet is easy, cheap and fast; and that has made many individuals around the globe very successful entrepreneurs. Internet and social media has become part of the human life, and very important part of the human life. Everyone now days has a smart phone and access to internet via their smart phone. This easy access to internet opened a whole new different markets that never existed ten years ago. 

Starting with social media, and why just social media; let’s start with Facebook. Facebook has made Mark Zuckerberg one of the top richest man in the world, shocking? Maybe for many people it’s not a big deal, but in my opinion, Mr. Zuckerberg deserved it. Why he deserved it? Well, with his simple idea, Facebook connected billions of people in one single network, and that network is just growing. Maybe not by the amount of users, but by the products it has to offer. 

Social media and data mining- okay I am not a computer major, but I am a business major. I will not go too much into computers, but I will talk business. How much does data matter in business world? Just look at target, Walmart, and any other Mega super store. Everyone has your information believe it or not, and that information can be used to market their product to you and pretty much sell you into buying stuff that you don’t really need. Now that extra money in the pocket of business. Every tiny information can generate some amount of revenue, and when a mega social media has your entire life on it, that will make you buy lot more products when you see ads around you google and Facebook page. 

Social Media has changed the world, and gave globalization a different meaning. With help of social media, not only individuals benefit, but large corporations also benefit as well. Social Media made has it easy for two people to connect across the world, and be able to stay up to date with each other's life, even if they live 1000 miles apart from each other. In other hand, it gave businesses access to every part of the world, and markets that they wouldn't have imagined  of having 10 years ago without social media. 

in old days, people used phone cards to make calls around the world, and today people have tools like WhatApp, Facebook, Twitter and many other social networks where their loved once are few clicks away. 

Social Media has involved the modern world into a whole new different world. Almost a century ago, we had a industrial revolution. After industrial revolution, world changed totally. It made easy to create product in mass, it opened doors to international markets like never before, and it did lots of great things to set up ground for today's "Tech Revolution" . In industrial revolution, it was easy for rich to get richer, but it wasn't so easy for poor to get rich, but life did become bit more promising to those who were struggling; However, revolution that we are witnessing today, gives chance to everyone in the world. it doesn't matter what your background is, and where you come from. If you have an idea that makes people's life easy, you can easily sell it and become rich in matter of few years. A great example for "Rags-to-Riches" would be Jan Koum, the founder of Whatapp, who latter sold it to Facebook for $19 Billion dollars.